You approach the shelf. The young Dwynth by your arm smiles and says "Please, enjoy yourself, " and then walks off.

The sign over the books reads

The Icosian Peoples

You look over the books packed onto the shelves.

Races of Icosa: A Primer

By Asphindel cai-Parinn

Dwynth and Dwynthkin

By Tausin Khyn

Aahwa and Aahwari

By Tausin Khyn

Maijal, Maishijal, and Maifrijal

By Tausin Khyn

Lwktsani, Tree-Riders, Humans, and other Lesser-Known Peoples of Icosa: The Forgotten

By Slauphic "John Ashley" cai-Twecall

A Year Among the Humans: A Life-Changing Experience

By Drezzok Esch Drezzok Baschal